Stormy Nights
Lido di Volano - Comacchio (Ferrara)
"I am Darrel Standing. Very soon they will come to get me to hang me. In the meantime, in these pages I will express my opinion by writing about different times and places."
from the incipit of The Tramp of the Stars by Jack London
This page is the site's compass, a collection of the latest articles published in chronological order from all sections, to navigate through the latest news.
Lido di Volano - Comacchio (Ferrara)
"Whoever places so much value on a stone will always be surrounded by treasures, wherever he goes"
At Roccamurata, in Taro valley, a small stream flows, marked on maps as "Rio del Bastardo", its waters descend from the steep ophiolitic slopes of Groppo di Gorro and form a wild, fascinating and at times difficult to navigate environment.
C'è ancora molta strada da fare, ma queste cose mi entusiasmano sempre ....
Siate orgogliosi di essere semplici peccatori, in un mondo di santi fasulli.
I may have passed by this corner of Parma I don't know how many thousands of times, but never had this image struck me as it did today. It is a scene with a very strong symbolic correspondence with the social situation we are experiencing in this particular historical period, which is very slippery and dangerous.
For me, the camera is a sketchbook, a tool of intuition and spontaneity.
Take care of the beauty that you are able to offer to the world, it is important, the Gods look at us and have a long memory... I enthusiastically do my part through photography.
Questa sera ho fatto tardi al lavoro ed ho perso il solito treno delle otto. Oltre ad aver fatto piacevole amicizia con tutti i senzatetto della stazione, sull'ultimo treno semideserto verso casa, ho avuto la compagnia di una viaggiatrice speciale, e mi piace pensare che, forse, avesse un messaggio da consegnare...
A small symbolic labyrinth of stones in Val Taro, which I built some time ago in an old abandoned quarry near Roccamurata.
Among the various artists I accidentally came across while surfing the boundless sea of the web, I want to share some images of this French surrealist poet, writer and painter, Philippe Charles Jachet, architect by training, whose landscapes immediately captured me, entering into resonate with my sensitivity.
Some of the latest images captured in Parma in these days ...
The beauty of nature and the landscape are always a source of inspiration, contemplation and fullness. Seen live, these landscapes, these lines, these lights, one has the sensation of breathing them, of assimilating them, of amalgamating them with one's spirit, with one's essence, until one becomes part of it, as in a mirror of the soul, of the...
It's a simple and direct question, and I would appreciate an equally simple and direct answer, or rather I would appreciate an honest and clean answer. We are talking about photography, only and exclusively photography, so what is your answer? Yes or no?
They climbed every single edge of grass. They have dissolved and overturned every piece of land. They poured quintals of concrete. They glued over hundreds of tiles. But the inexorable force of Nature sprouts at every season, mercilessly, with tenderness and elegance, showing off a beautiful fiery red dress, not at all discreet, just to make the...
In truth I don't meet people, but landscapes.
A ship docked in a port is safe, but that's not what ships were built for.
Trekking and hiking are not just high mountain activities or of exotic locations around the world, sometimes even a simple walk around our house can became a small adventure full of discoveries. The landscape is not just a meadow, a tree and a sky above, landscape is also history and stories, art, nature, flowers, insects, chat and emotions....
If you like this site and like my work, you can support also offering me just a coffee ...
The older articles and posts progressively move from this site to the various blogs and photographic portals, in particular to the Tumblr blogs, where they are archived and preserved. To be able to navigate Tumblr easily, I recommend subscribing to the blog, it costs nothing and involves nothing, just the opportunity to freely use all the contents without limits or restrictions. I would like to point out that Tumblr and the other portals on which I publish are external and independent from Il Viaggiatore senza Meta, I am a their user like you, I do not track and do not collect any personal data, other than emails for users who want to register for accessing reserved pages. Registering for Il Viaggiatore senza Meta and Tumblr are distinct and independent things.
In the last few months I've been receiving a lot of messages from people all over the world and in every language imaginable, asking me "what's your price?"! Really I have no price, simply because I don't sell anything here! Any registration to the site to access the reserved content is completely free, but as the name itself says it is "reserved" for a few trusted friends! If you appreciate my work and if you really want to pay something, then you could simply offer me a coffee, buy a print or some other fun gadget in these stores:
Thank you all so much for your interest.
As long as freedom of thought is not a crime, I will express my ideas and opinions, through my words, through those of otherauthors that I appreciate and through my photographs and art in all its forms. Freedom is not a given, and many of us do not even know what it really is. We are victims of a world that has emptied our lives of meaning, of "sense", starting from the words themselves. Maybe we cannot do much about it, but just being aware of it can help us, at least to not make ourselves accomplices of our own slavery!
For this same reason I have abandoned social networks, communities, forums and so on, I have retired to private life and I dedicate myself exclusively to my sites and my blogs, with no other goals than pure personal satisfaction and my personal journey in search of "a meaning", which is a bit the fundamental objective of these pages: to search for a meaning through beauty, art, poetry, reflections, through a walk, a photograph, a bath in the river. Finding a center within ourselves through the exercise of simple things and the exercise of free will and free choice, collecting what I like and discarding what I don't like, as is natural for each of us. In this way I build my own virtual corner of paradise, or a sort of spiritual testament, that no one is required to share or appreciate. If these pages do not please you, you are free, indeed you are asked to go elsewhere, the ways of the Lord are infinite, aren't they?
Also for these reasons, I have fenced off my opinions and my most personal experiences in a strictly reserved area (for members only), not because there is some dark secret to hide, but because basically I do not have to answer to anyone for my ideas, and I would not even want to do so anymore, it would just be a waste of time, precious time. I have seen with experience that dialogue and comparison are very rare things, more often there is only the clash, the affront and the provocation, and after heated discussions everyone basically remains of his own idea, so all wasted time, better to dedicate oneself to more constructive things than fighting against windmills.
After these strictly personal but necessary considerations, I leave you to free navigation, or to drift if you prefer (I prefer), below is a collection of the latest articles and photos taken ... thanks
.>>> The Aimless Traveler <<<
all rights reserved
Warnings: everything you find on this site is the fruit of my imagination and my personal opinions, here you will not find news, information, advice, suggestions or anything else, but only and exclusively my personal opinions and the story of my personal experiences. This site is essentially a monologue made public, my personal organizational agenda. No one is required to follow me, to share, to experience, to accept or to believe uncritically. In fact, I strongly advise against doing so.