Nature and landscape in Taro Valley
North Italian Apennines

Why these pages on the Val Taro in a site that mainly deals with photography? Well, essentially because Val Taro has been the cradle of my passions, and this nature and these landscapes have always accompanied and made me grow, also in my love for photography. I have to thank my father, who as a child, taking me with him to the river when he going painting his landscapes, made me appreciate these environments, this nature, its colors, its seasons, but above all the almost suspended time, magical, of when you isolate yourself from the world to dedicate yourself only to the things you like: drawing, photography, walking, bathing, fishing with your hands and a thousand other little adventures, just behind the house.

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Warnings: everything you find on this site is the fruit of my imagination and my personal opinions, here you will not find news, information, advice, suggestions or anything else, but only and exclusively my personal opinions and the story of my personal experiences. This site is essentially a monologue made public, my personal organizational agenda. No one is required to follow me, to share, to experience, to accept or to believe uncritically. In fact, I strongly advise against doing so.