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Clothing is nudity on a more refined level.

Jan Schepens

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Modella per un giorno - 9 Aprile 2016

Fetish fashion

Make-up & backstage di Modella per un giorno.

Weekend della Moda a Parma - 25 e 26 Ottobre 2014 - Centro Commerciale Eurotorri 

Moda e Musica sotto le stelle - Parma, piazza Garibaldi - 12 Settembre 2014 

Glamour Affair Gallery - Piccola galleria di ritratti e fashion sul noto magazine online.


Saturday 9 April 2016 was a special day for 36 girls who played at being models for a day, lending their faces to 18 shops in Parma. Make-up artists, hair stylists and image consultants helped them build their look and then they were immortalized in the streets of the historic centre, becoming the protagonists of real fashion shoots, inevitably arousing the curiosity of many passers-by. Almost 15,000 votes arrived on the Gazzetta di Parma website and the winner was Alessia Michelotti, 21 years old, the face of Gustavia, a second year student in the Biology department of the University of Parma. The first edition of 'Model for play' was organized by Confartigianato Imprese Apla Parma with Formart and Donna Impresa, thanks to the collaboration of Parma Fotografica, the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce and the patronage of the Municipality of Parma.

Browse the publication of photos of the day: