This is not a public place, these pages are private and confidential, accessible exclusively, at my discretion, for a few close friends with whom I share a common vision of life.

The approval and revocation of access are my personal and unquestionable decision.


The crowd and the market

I do not bring myself to the market and I do not feed my life, my ideas or my works to the crowd, and even less do I allow others to judge, follow, criticize or comment on my thoughts, my tastes, my way of being and my lifestyle, which are strictly private matters. I am already fine as I am, I do not need the approval or admiration of others, indeed, nor do I have any desire to make others change their minds.

It is not that in this section there are hidden who knows what secrets or who knows what sinful contents, it is rather a question of respect for a "private garden" built over time and cultivated with passion and dedication, and where not just anyone can enter to trample the flowers or piss in the flowerbeds!

Here you will find articles and photographs, ideas, thoughts and reflections that reflect my world, my spirit and my values, but personal ideas are not looked upon favorably, indeed a personal idea or thought is often considered sharper and more dangerous than a blade!

Some time ago I was excited when I discovered new and surprising things, but when I tried to share them with those around me, I saw at best only indifference, almost embarrassment. Over time I have understood that it is useless to talk to people, because it is like talking to a wall, in fact often you only make enemies and you also look like an idiot! So everyone should keep their own convictions in conscience and freedom, I have retreated into my inner castle and raised the drawbridge.

I am always astonished when I see information of all kinds around me, infinite possibilities to enrich oneself internally or to grow spiritually, but many, too many, remain indifferent to these opportunities; sometimes I still fall into the illusion of being able to share something interesting, but I always hit a wall in the face. Too bad for me, I am still too naive, but my conscience is clear: it is clear that in the information age, where everyone can draw on thousands of sources like it has never been possible in the past, remaining in ignorance is a choice, and I certainly do not want to give an opinion on other people's choices. Likewise, I do not want mine to be given an opinion, because your freedom ends where mine begins, and vice versa.

Thank you for understanding.

The Market

"My friend, flee into your solitude. The forest and the boulder know how to be silent with dignity with you. Be like the tree you love again, with its broad branches: silent and attentive it rises above the sea.

Where solitude ends, the market begins; and where the market begins, there also begins the din of the great comedians and the buzzing of the flies.

The people understand little of what is great, that is, creation. But they have sympathy for all the actors and comedians of great causes.

A truth that only creeps into fine ears, the comedian calls a lie and nothingness. Of course, he believes only in gods who make a great noise in the world! The market is full of solemn clowns!

But the moment presses them, so they press you: and from you too they demand a yes or a no. Woe, do you want to sit between pros and cons?

Never was truth at the side of a absolute.

Do not raise your arm against them! Innumerable are they, and it is not your destiny to be a flyswatter."

- Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche -

The Crowd

"The Crowd: You cannot yet run the risk of frequenting it.

There is no reason why the vainglory of showing off your genius should lead you among the people with the desire to give public lectures or to discourse. I would leave you the freedom to do so if you had merchandise suitable for these people. But there is no one capable of understanding you.

For whom then have I learned? Do not fear that you have labored in vain, if you have learned for yourself.

That man also expressed himself well who, when asked what purpose he had so much diligence in an art intended to reach a very narrow circle of people, declared: A few are enough for me, one is enough for me, even none is enough for me.

Epicurus wrote in a letter to a fellow student: I address these things not to many, but to you, because we are more than a sufficient audience for each other.

Let your good points aim only at an internal approval."

Seneca - Moral letters to Lucilius