Moon or not Moon?


The magnetic charm of "our" satellite: a double-edged sword?

On the slopes of Mount Sant'Antonio, a view of the Taro Valley in the foreground and the Po Valley in the background, suffocated under a blanket of fog at sunset, while a splendid full moon rises to inaugurate a new freezing night. (Parmesan Apennines, Northern Italy)

This image is emblematic, it is deeply symbolic, it perfectly represents the condition of human life: a humanity that crowds together and lives in the darkness of the fog, nestled in the valleys, in the dark folds of the world, wrapped in fogs that prevent us from seeing beyond our own noses. But it is enough to climb a little higher, it is enough to have the will to "go out" to have a slightly broader vision: then another world is revealed, and a sky up there, a high one, dominated however by the Moon, which sees and governs everything. Like a powerful lighthouse, it emanates a magnetic attraction, because that is probably exactly how things are: it attracts, influences, governs. There, sometimes it would be enough for the human being to be like that little car that can be glimpsed in the woods, a small engine that moves us and makes us travel uphill roads, panoramic roads, to also understand that the landscape is a metaphor for life and for ourselves, or rather perhaps it is precisely a projection of our inner world. And then the landscape becomes a teacher, and through the landscape we also know and understand something more about ourselves.

The bewitching charm of the Moon

Beautiful fantastic image of  Veronica Vegetable Vampire

Many, many people feel a deep admiration, a deep attraction, a fascination and a special bond with the Moon, its power transcends our rationality and moves us in the very core of ourselves, it connects deeply with our very soul, it scrutinizes us, it calls us. I myself remain enchanted by its diaphanous charm, or at least I used to, today in the light of new considerations, I try to keep myself more detached, because I no longer trust it.

I see many people infatuated by the power of the Moon, people who do rituals, prayers, offerings, ceremonies, circles and so on, men who like werewolves stir their blood at the sight of the full Moon, or women who evoke and honor the mythical Hecate, goddess of the Moon and darkness.

This star does indeed have a power, but whether this power is harmless or benevolent perhaps is still to be demonstrated. I always look at all these things with great curiosity and interest, but I stay at the window and watch, I don't feel like getting involved, there is still something that doesn't convince me completely.

In the Indian tradition, the Moon is presented as the place where the souls of men are led and gathered after the death of the physical body, here they are given instructions, they are programmed or reprogrammed, their memory is reset and they are prepared to be "put" again in a new body, to face yet another life of tribulations and anguish: it is samsara, the eternal coming and going of souls lost in oblivion. Only a path towards awakening can lead to liberation, but most of humanity prefers to continue its sleep, and woe betide anyone who disturbs them.

As they say, everyone is the architect of their own destiny, and no one has the right to interfere with that of others.

The famous tunnel of light that many people have reported seeing in near-death or brain-death experiences is probably part of this regeneration mechanism, or if we want to be more specific, of this trap.

Landscapes from Mount Sant'Antonio, between Solignano and Varano de Melegari

There are the most disparate theories about the Moon, and since the act of "believing" is a very dangerous thing, perhaps the most dangerous of all for the human being, I personally evaluate them all but I do not make a belief out of any of them, much less the official ones of "science" that have lost so much credibility in recent times, often covering themselves with ridicule.

It is established that in the distant past there was a time without a moon, our planet has not always had its satellite, the Moon arrived later, but there was probably also a time with two moons.

There are those who venture the hypothesis that the Moon is not even real, that it is actually made of "plasma", if it were rocky it could not be so bright, the rock does not have a great reflective power, so much so that most of the rocky bodies in space are practically black.

Other hypotheses, to be taken into serious consideration, speak of the Moon as an artificial satellite, a command center on which those who control our planet would be stationed, probably the moon, in addition to being artificial, would also be hollow, a construction only for the facade, to hide from the view of the earth what happens behind. Many astronomy lovers, observing the Moon, have noticed strange movements, an inexplicable coming and going of objects that enter and exit...

I am also very skeptical about the stories of the moon landings and the various Apollos, probably man has never set foot on the Moon, and probably because, simply, man is not allowed to go and stick his nose up there!

A few minutes later, on the side of Mount Sant'Antonio that overlooks Val Ceno, the night advances and the first star appears to keep the Moon company.

Bisogna essere pronti ad ogni evenienza, perchè se fosse veramente tutto un grande bluff, che ne rimarrebbe delle nostre certezze e del nostro ruolo che ci siamo immaginati nell'Universo? Che ne sarebbe del significato della nostra vita, se scorpissimo che l'abbiamo modellata esclusivamente sopra un mare di menzogne? Meglio cominciare a smantellarle per conto proprio queste false certezze, in modo da essere già pronti ed al sicuro quando l'uragano arriverà.

Alla luce di tutto questo, se prima la Luna la guardavo con fascino ed ammirazione, ora un po' mi inquieta e la guardo con diffidenza e distacco.

Thanks for reading.